
(Wholistic) Thinker

for Unified Approach in

Management, Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Whole Brain Trusted Advisor viz:

  • Strategic Enterprise Project Management

  • Global Business & Management Consulting

  • Coaching & Mentoring Agile Entrepreneurship

Dr KC Chan developed the unified approach of Wholistic thinking cycle through the integration of Lateral, Holistic, Systems & Critical thinking coupled to ©Project-Based Accelerated Action Learning for faster, better & smarter business performance.

He is a lifelong learner in pursuit of action learning as a consultant, practice professor, master trainer & author of contemporary books.

Dr KC Chan managed to pioneer 4th generation action learning with direct supervision from Baron Gordon Prestoungrange (Disciple of Reg Revans) for over three decades, leading to the award of Doctor of Letters in Action Learning.

Dr KC Chan is the inventor of ©Project-Based Accelerated Action Learning under the supervisor of Baron Gordon Prestoungrange.  He obtained Doctor of Letters at the graduation convocation at the University of Oxford New College (2009). In the same year, he also won the “Outstanding Global Doctor of the Year” award.


Fourth Generation Action Learning Guru

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